Premier Ford accused of directing ‘misogynistic’ remark at opposition leader Horwath

Ontario Premier Doug Ford is being criticized for directing what’s being called a “misogynistic” remark towards the leader of the Opposition.


Ontario Premier Doug Ford is being criticized for directing what’s being called a “misogynistic” remark towards the leader of the Opposition.

During a legislative session Wednesday, Ford told NDP Leader Andrea Horwath that listening to her and her criticism of his government was like hearing “nails on a chalkboard.”

“Why don’t you come and join us to support the people of Ontario for once rather than just sit there and criticize and criticize,” he said to the applause of the other Conservative members in the legislature. “It’s like listening to nails on a chalkboard listening to you.”

The comment was made during a heated exchange as Horwath pressed Ford on his government’s pandemic response.

“Speaker, this Premier always goes to the worst, worst places when he doesn’t like the questions that the Opposition is asking,” Horwath shot back.

The remark drew condemnation from other opposition politicians including from the Green party leader Mike Schreiner, who called the comment “misogynistic”.

“The Premier should unequivocally apologize for his comment,” he tweeted.

Liberal house leader John Fraser called the comment “unacceptable” while Liberal leader Steven Del Duca also called on Ford to immediately apologize.

“Misogynist rhetoric like this has no place in the Ontario Legislature. For it to be hurled by a Premier is unthinkable,” he tweeted. “We expect better.”

Horwath says Ford owes an apology to the people of Ontario, not her.

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