
Walk to honour children, survivors of Canada’s residential schools ends in Kamloops

THE CANADIAN PRESS | posted Tuesday, Aug 10th, 2021

KAMLOOPS, B.C. — A six-week, 2,000-kilometre walk to honour children and survivors of residential schools that began in Yukon ended Monday in Kamloops, B.C., “ground zero for where the truth broke out,” says the man behind the Warriors Walk for Healing Nations.

When Jamie Henyu heard about the discovery of what are believed to be the remains of more than 200 children on the grounds of the former Kamloops Indian Residential School in May, he wondered how he could honour them and survivors of the state-sponsored institutions.

“That was our goal when we started out, is that we walk and honour all the kids that have been found, all the kids that have not been found, and all the survivors out there,” Henyu said in an interview from the community of Bonaparte, where a group of about 17 walkers was taking a break before continuing to Kamloops.

Henyu said he originally thought he’d be walking alone, starting from Telegraph Creek in the northwestern corner of B.C., but support from the Northern Nations Alliance led the walk and fundraising effort to start in Whitehorse in late June instead.

A welcoming event hosted by the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc Nation took place Monday in Kamloops, their final stop, where a sea of people wearing orange shirts were gathered.

Numerous Indigenous nations have reported finding unmarked graves using the same ground-penetrating radar technology that the Tk’emlúps te Secwépemc used in their investigation in Kamloops.

The walking group grew as it stopped in many communities along the way, said Henyu, who is a member of the Tahltan Nation. Their support vehicles were painted with orange handprints and adorned with signs and flags of participants’ home nations.

“I did have a vision at the end where I was going have a lot of people behind me, but in between the start and the finish, I thought it would be just me,” he said. “Things change and it’s awfully wonderful having everybody here who’s walking with me.”

Corinna Yuill said she’s known Henyu for years and felt she needed to be part of the journey. She was joined by her husband, who was driving the family’s RV, and their 18-year-old son, who participated in his wheelchair.

“I grew up in a community with three reservations and it’s very personal to me, that the people I know have all been affected by residential school,” Yuill said in an interview. “It’s a big part of our life and I walk for everybody, for every child, every woman, every man, every elder, every survivor, every one of our people that suffer.”

Henyu said he walked more than 80 kilometres one day before group members decided to take turns walking in 10-kilometre stretches to conserve energy.

Just about every Indigenous community on their journey south invited the group in for food, housing, singing, storytelling and support, he said.

“Them coming out and telling us their story about residential school and helping them to start healing is so beautiful,” Henyu said of people they’ve met.

The group has also encountered people “on the side of the road who had no idea about residential school, and the conversation ended in tears,” Yuill said.

The walking family is now getting ready to say emotional goodbyes, said Henyu.

“It’s getting so real that this is almost over and when we started it felt like we’ll never get to this point, but here we are now. It’s amazing and scary at the same time.”

Three injured in triple shooting at ‘house party’ in Mississauga

BT Toronto | posted Monday, Aug 9th, 2021

Police are appealing for information following a triple shooting in Mississauga.

Investigators were called to an industrial area near Hurontario Street and World Drive, just north of Highway 401 around 9 p.m. following reports of multiple shots being fired.

They initially did not find any victims when they arrived at the scene, however, they were contacted by one individual away from the crime scene. Two other people then showed up at a nearby hospital suffering from gunshot wounds.

“What we know so far is that there was a house party happening at a residence in this area with up to 100 people in attendance,” said Const. Akhil Mooken. “When officers arrived, they spoke with eight people … so we know there’s about 92 people out there that have not yet had the opportunity to speak to our investigators.”

Police say two women are being treated in hospital for non-life threatening injuries while a man has been taken to a trauma centre, but his injuries are also considered non-life threatening.

Police say the suspects fled the scene but there was no immediate description.

To shake hands or not? An age old human gesture now in limbo


As the pandemic took hold, a Kansas City-area meeting and event planning business began hawking “I Shake Hands” stickers to help ease awkward social encounters.

“We didn’t want the sticker to say, `We Don’t Shake Hands’ because that is kind of off-putting,” said John DeLeon, vice president of operations and sales at MTI Events, adding that the idea was that anti-shakers could simply choose not to wear one of the stickers. “But if someone had the sticker on in that group, then that was the indication that it was OK.”

Now, as workers return to the office, friends reunite and more church services shift from Zoom to in person, this exact question is befuddling growing numbers of people: to shake or not to shake?

The handshake has been around for centuries. A widely held belief is that it originated to prove to someone that a person was offering peace and not holding a hidden weapon. But hands can be germy – coated with fecal matter and E. coli.

Dr. Anthony Fauci, a leading infectious disease expert in the United States, cautioned last year, “I don’t think we should ever shake hands ever again, to be honest with you.”

On the other side is Dr. Amesh Adalja, an infectious disease specialist at Johns Hopkins University. He thinks the whole shaking controversy is overblown. The solution, he says, is simple: “If you are worried about COVID, the best way to make handshakes safe is to be fully vaccinated. And for any other things that might be on people’s hands, just wash your hands before you touch your face. That is what hand sanitizer is for.”

The greeting is almost instinctual and hard to deny. But remote workers who have been holed up in makeshift kitchen and bedroom offices have been denied it for months. Meetings, birthdays, retirement parties and even funerals have been shifted onto Zoom. The loss of connections has been heartbreaking, and the resurgence of the delta variant is raising fresh questions about the return to something resembling normal.

DeLeon isn’t sure the handshake is ever coming back. The stickers his company sold were never hot sellers. Other companies hawked signs and stickers that more firmly discouraged handshaking – including one featuring a skeleton hand and another covered with COVID-19 germs.

“I played golf with a guy the other day, who I had never met and we got along really well. And on the 18th green it is traditional that you stick your hand out and you take your hat off and you shake hands with who you played with,” he said. “And we just kind of stared at each other and fist-bumped and walked off.”

Not so fast, say etiquette experts and businesspeople like Dave McClain, 52, of Overland Park, Kansas. McClain recalls coming across one of the “I Shake Hands” stickers at a networking event and slapping it onto his shirt.

“You can make phone calls all you want and you can meet with people online via Zoom call but it is just not the same as being able to reach out your hand and shake their hand, look them in the eye and really establish that rapport,” he said.

Diane Gottsman, a national etiquette expert and author of “Modern Etiquette for a Better Life,” also doesn’t think the handshake will be a casualty of the pandemic but said to take it slowly.

“Don’t be the first to extend your hand, even if you are comfortable,” instructed Gottsman, who lives in San Antonio, Texas. “Watch the other person and allow them to extend their greeting of choice.”

Former President Donald Trump, a self-described germaphobe who has said publicly that he dislikes the custom and even described it as “barbaric,” faced criticism in the early days of the pandemic when he continued shaking hands.

The administration of President Joe Biden initially took a much more socially distanced approach to the pandemic. But following the relaxation of federal guidance on masks and more widespread availability of vaccines, handshakes and even hugs have returned.

Lizzie Post, the great-great-granddaughter of the late etiquette maven Emily Post, said the country is entering an awkward time similar to the start of the pandemic, when people were trying to evaluate how much others were socially distancing before getting close to them.

Now the question is whether family, friends and business associates are vaccinated. Her approach is to announce up front that she is, then ask bluntly whether a hug or handshake is desired.

She doesn’t think the handshake is going away.

“It is a really hard greeting to deny because it has been so ingrained since we were kids or young adults,” said Post, who lives in Burlington, Vermont. “And I see that being more powerful than the past year of not practicing it because for many people that past year also was spent just so not in contact with anyone they would shake a hand. It is not like you and your roommate shake hands every time you walk in the door.”

But she said that also is getting questions about how to ditch the shake on the podcast she produces with her cousin, Daniel Post Senning, called “Awesome Etiquette.”

“Our advice to them is to get comfortable with letting people know, because I think the rude thing to do would be to stand there and act like you are ignoring an outstretched hand,” she said. “If the outstretched hand comes to you and you do not want to shake hands, you want to acknowledge that by saying, ‘I actually don’t shake hands’ or ‘I am sorry that I don’t shake hands, but I am so pleased to meet you.”’

Business Law Southwest, which advises businesses in New Mexico, Arizona and Texas, offered at the beginning of the pandemic to help create new workplace guidelines – such as a no-handshake policy. But there wasn’t interest, said Kristy Donahue, a company spokeswoman.

“At the end of the day, people crave human interaction and human touch, and you know that psychology experiment where they have the monkeys and there were some monkeys they never petted and some that they did. And the monkeys that weren’t being handled kind of withered away,” she said. “We haven’t evolved that much from there.”

As U.S. demurs, Canada welcomes vaccinated American citizens back across border

JAMES MCCARTEN THE CANADIAN PRESS | posted Monday, Aug 9th, 2021

WASHINGTON — The United States will remain on the sidelines for now as Canada gamely welcomes back fully vaccinated American citizens and permanent residents.

As of midnight Sunday night, non-essential U.S. travellers who have had a full course of a Health Canada-approved COVID-19 vaccine will again be allowed on Canadian soil.

To be eligible, travellers must live in the U.S., have allowed at least 14 days to pass since their last dose and show proof of a negative molecular test for COVID-19 that’s no more than 72 hours old.

They are also required to use the ArriveCAN app or online web portal to upload their vaccination details.

Denis Vinette, vice-president of the travellers branch of the Canada Border Services Agency, says the agency learned a lot when fully vaccinated Canadian citizens were allowed to return last month.

Vinette says about half had to be turned away during the first week because they hadn’t received one of the four vaccines approved by Health Canada, or had not waited the full 14 days after their last shot.

“We found that many travellers — while they believed they met the full vaccination requirements — in fact did not, for one of two reasons,” Vinette said in an interview.

“One, it had not been a full 14 days since they’d received their second vaccination shot, and secondly, there were a lot of individuals who received a non-Health Canada vaccine who believed they would have been exempt from the quarantine requirements.”

Canada has approved four vaccines: Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, the Oxford-AstraZeneca shot, also known as Covishield, and the single-dose Johnson & Johnson option.

“We had a lot of individuals who didn’t have a full understanding of what applies and what does not apply,” Vinette said. “I expect the same here. I think that from a vaccination perspective, the vaccines being administered in the U.S. are approved in Canada, so I would expect that might be a lesser issue.”

The U.S., for its part, has been mum on when it might begin to ease its own restrictions on non-essential Canadian travellers at land crossings. Air, sea and rail travellers are exempt.

The White House did say last week that it is exploring whether to require discretionary visitors to be fully vaccinated when the time comes to ease restrictions, although it remains unclear whether that discussion specifically includes Canadian travellers.

The U.S. has maintained stringent travel limits on a number of foreign countries, including China, India, Ireland, Iran, South Africa, Brazil and the 26 European countries without border controls, known as the Schengen group.

The borders with Canada and Mexico, however, are widely seen as falling into a different category, in part because of the close trade ties between the three countries as well as the fact that visitors can enter without the help of a private-sector company like an airline or cruise ship operator.

Observers also detect a measure of unease in the White House at the idea of allowing travel to resume from Canada without doing so at the southern border, where an ever-present flow of would-be refugees continues to pose a political challenge for President Joe Biden.

While a short-lived labour dispute with Canadian border agents was resolved promptly last week, travellers looking to enter the country after Sunday would still be wise to pack some patience, given the likelihood that a lot of people will be getting turned away.

Some people “will not have perhaps the totality of information they require to be able to present themselves to enter the country for a discretionary purpose,” Vinette said.

“They’ll be denied entry to the country; they’ll simply be sent back to the U.S., then they can choose to comply with all requirements and then seek re-entry after that case.”

Travellers arriving by air can also expect delays, given that it already takes a lot of time.

Toronto’s Pearson International Airport, one of four in Canada that has been allowed to accept flights from outside the country, has been warning people that the international arrivals process could take more than three hours.

Canadians are growing more comfortable with air travel, which means more people in the airport, all of them dealing with augmented security and health checks thanks to COVID restrictions, said Pearson spokeswoman Beverly MacDonald.

“There are a variety of factors that impact wait times upon arrival, including additional health screening due to government travel requirements, vaccination status, immigration processing, multiple flights arriving at the same time and more,” MacDonald said in a statement.

Pearson saw nearly double the number of passengers in the second quarter than during the same months in 2020 — though at an average of 11,500 a day it’s still significantly down from that quarter in 2019, when an average of 140,000 passengers flowed through the airport.

In June, the Montreal-Trudeau International Airport saw about 10 per cent of its 2019 volumes, which rose to 20 per cent in July, and they expect to see around 30 per cent in August.

“Even if we are used to attending to a far larger number of passengers in our facilities, there are longer wait times to be expected especially at the international arrivals level, depending on the time of the day,” said spokeswoman Anne-Sophie Hamel.

The federal government is currently planning to allow vaccinated visitors from outside the U.S. to return to Canada for non-essential reasons as of Sept. 7.

Canadian border agents prepare to begin job action amid labour negotiations

THE CANADIAN PRESS | posted Friday, Aug 6th, 2021

About 9,000 Canadian Border Service Agency workers are preparing to begin job action across the country today and say travellers should expect long lineups and lengthy delays at border crossings and airports.

The Public Service Alliance of Canada and its Customs and Immigration Union, which represent the workers, served a strike notice to the government on Tuesday.

If a contract isn’t reached by 6 a.m. Eastern Time Friday morning, the union has said its members will begin a “sweeping” series of actions at Canadian airports, land borders, commercial shipping ports, postal facilities and headquarters locations.

Ninety per cent of frontline border workers have been identified as essential so they will continue to offer services, if there is a strike, said the CBSA, in an email.

The CBSA “will respond quickly to any job action/work disruption in order to maintain the safety and security of our border, ensure compliance with our laws, and keep the border open to legitimate travellers and goods,” said spokesperson Jacqueline Callin.

The dispute comes as Canada is preparing to allow fully vaccinated Americans to visit without having to quarantine starting Aug. 9 and will open the country’s borders to travellers from other countries with the required doses of a COVID-19 shot on Sept. 7.


One person killed in motorcycle, van crash in North York

BT Toronto | posted Friday, Aug 6th, 2021

One person is dead following a crash in the Lawrence Heights area of the city.

Police were called to the area of Dufferin Street and Ranee Avenue around 11 p.m. following reports of a collision between a van and a motorcycle.

Police say the motorcyclist suffered life threatening injuries and was later pronounced dead at the scene.

It’s uncertain if the driver of the van remained on scene.

Anyone with additional information is asked to contact Traffic Services.

Canada wins bronze in men’s 50km Race Walk at Tokyo Olympics

BT Toronto | posted Friday, Aug 6th, 2021

Evan Dunfee has won bronze in the men’s 50km Race Walk event at the Tokyo Olympics.

The 30-year-old from Richmond, B.C., reached the podium in a season-best time of 3:50.59 in a race of attrition amid the heat and humidity of Sapporo. The temperature at the 5:30 a.m. start was 25 C with over 70 per cent humidity and it got hotter as the race progressed.

Dunfee was one of the few to manage the heat over 25 laps of the two-kilometre course, having endured sweltering conditions at the 2019 world championship in Doha, Qatar, where he also went on to win bronze.

Poland’s Dawid Tomala captured gold, Germany’s Jonathan Hilbert claimed silver.

Fellow Canadian Mathieu Bilodeau of Quebec City was classified 45th.

It is Canada’s 19th medal at the Summer Games.

This is Canada’s first ever medal in the 50km event and their second in this discipline. Guillaume LeBlanc is Canada’s only other race walk medallist with a silver in the 20km event in Barcelona in 1992.

The International Olympic Committee will remove the 50km race walk from the Summer Games program for gender balance. There isn’t a women’s 50k race walk but men and women both compete in the 20km event.

Canada wins historic silver in women’s C1 200m at Tokyo Olympics

THE CANADIAN PRESS | posted Thursday, Aug 5th, 2021

Canada’s Laurence Vincent-Lapointe has won a historic silver medal in the women’s C1 200m sprint race at the Tokyo Olympics.

The 29-year-old paddler from Trois-Rivieres, Que., finished the sprint in a time of 46.786 seconds, behind American Nevin Harrison.

Ukraine’s Liudmyla Luzan claimed bronze.

Katie Vincent of Mississauga, Ont., finished 8th with a time of 47.834.

This marked the first time medals were awarded in this event at the Olympic Games.

A dominant canoeing force for more than a decade, Vincent-Lapointe had to wait for the sport’s international federation and the International Olympic Committee to make room for women to race at the Olympics.

That finally happened in Japan, but Vincent-Lapointe also had to fight to clear her name following an “adverse analytical finding” during an out-of-competition drug test two years ago.

The result gives Canada 16 medals, including four gold, five silver, and seven bronze.

Female athletes have accounted for 14 of Canada’s medal total at these Games.

‘Thank u for everything’: Lowry pens emotional farewell Instagram post

BT Toronto | posted Thursday, Aug 5th, 2021

Kyle Lowry has penned a heartfelt farewell to the city of Toronto and the country of Canada, which he has called home for the last nine seasons in the NBA.

In an Instagram post that featured a montage of photos from his time in Toronto, Lowry spoke about his growth as a player, a leader and an individual with a new franchise, a new city and a new country.

“This is hard to write but the time has come for the next chapter in my story to begin,” writes Lowry. “But the bond I share with you is unbreakable.”

“There’s so many things I want to say about the city of Toronto, Canada as a nation. I just can’t put them all in this piece.”

Lowry recalled how the city “embraced me from the jump!” even as the team struggled to be competitive in the early going, casting doubt on his future with the franchise.

“As much as the city showed love, there were times when there was doubt and A want for trades… but that just wasn’t in the plans for me! haha,” said Lowry. “From making the playoffs for the first time in years, getting swept a few times, getting close to making the finals, finally making the finals and winning a championship! The ups and downs have been well worth it.”

On Monday, Lowry put out a social media post on Twitter saying “Miami Heat X Kyle Lowry” signalling his time with the Toronto Raptors had come to an end. Published reports say Lowry has agreed to a three-year deal with the Heat worth an estimated US$90 million in a sign-and-trade with Toronto that is expected to be officially confirmed by weeks end.

Lowry, who became the face of franchise over the course of nine seasons, says Toronto will always be his second home and he will always be tied to the franchise, the city and Canada “which makes me so happy to say.”

Lowry went on to thank the 2019 championship squad, adding that the team is in good hands with “Pascal, OG and Freddie my little brother.”

“I’ve legit gave blood, sweat, and tears and everything I’ve could!!!” he said, concluding with “Thank you Toronto, thank you Canada this will forever be HOME!!!”

Lowry departs the Raptors as the franchise leader in triple-doubles (16), three-points goals (1,518), assists (4,277) and steals (873). And with 10,540 points, he ranks second to good friend DeMar DeRozan (13,296) in the Raptors record book.

Canada welcomes first of Afghan refugees who supported Canadian military mission

BT Toronto | posted Thursday, Aug 5th, 2021

The first planeload of Afghan refugees who supported the Canadian military mission in Afghanistan has arrived in Canada.

The federal government is not saying how many refugees were on board the flight Wednesday or where they’ll be resettled in Canada, citing the need to protect the evacuees and the security of the operation.

It is the first of a number of flights the government is promising to spirit refugees out of Afghanistan as a resurgent Taliban retakes control of some districts in the country following the withdrawal of American troops.

Many Afghans who contributed to Canada’s mission in Afghanistan have become targets of the Taliban.

The government last month announced a special program to urgently resettle Afghans deemed to have been “integral” to the Canadian Armed Forces’ mission, including interpreters, cooks, drivers, cleaners, construction workers, security guards and embassy staff, as well as members of their families.

Applicants must still meet all the usual admissibility requirements, including security, criminal and health screenings.

In a statement late Wednesday, Immigration Minister Marco Mendicino, Foreign Affairs Minister Marc Garneau and Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan said the government is working “around the clock” to identify eligible individuals.

“The government has been seized with the urgency on the ground and is working as quickly as possible to resettle Afghan nationals who put themselves at great risk to support Canada’s work in Afghanistan,” the ministers said.

They said a team is on the ground in Afghanistan to help Afghans submit applications and provide the necessary documentation.

“We are doing everything we can to get every Afghan refugee out as swiftly as possible but we recognize that the security situation can change rapidly.”

Some 40,000 Canadian troops were deployed in Afghanistan over 13 years as part of the NATO mission before pulling out in 2014.

The government says more than 800 Afghans who supported the mission have been resettled in Canada over the past decade but acknowledges that many more remain in Afghanistan.